Teacher Views
Throughout this project the teachers contributed views on all aspects of the work carried out in their classrooms including, for some, the submission of a formally assessed piece of work for the award of a Certificate of Educational Enquiry. Here, we present some insights into the teacher's views, in two specific forms.
Firstly, we present below a brief digest of their views from a meeting that took place several months after the data collection phase of the project was completed. At this meeting we were interested in how the teachers now view the potential of the IWB as a tool for collaborative classroom learning and what constraints they feel might act upon such a use of the IWB.
Secondly, through the right-hand menu, we provide access to the formal written work of some of the teachers. These present analysis from individual classrooms by those who worked on a day-to-day basis with the children involved in the research - as such, they make fascinating reading. (They have been slightly edited - indicated by a ~symbol - to aid the flow of each piece).
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